blogmoneyHanna Back- 27 de Maio, 2009.

So you have a blog and you want money and get more readers besides your friends and family. Newronio prepared some tips to show you the money on blogging.

One subject to rule them all:

For advertisers, blogs are a great way to reach niches groups, to create a niche audience is necessary to develope a more narrow and deep content. Choose one subject, preferably one that you enjoy and people can relay to.

Content is all-so make it good

Fun, interesting, informative, useful, relevant content make a blog a good blog, but titles is what makes it hot.How do you make good titles? Make them descriptive, show what is the benefit of reading it, be as clear as possible. Good titles permit to imagine what is the post about without reading it.See this post of Problogger on the subject.

Good and readable posts

These are some tips to format your posts correctly:

-Relevant information in the content is placed shaped as an inverted pyramid. The most important information is placed in the 10 first line, the rest of the information is complements and serves to get a deeper look for those who want.

-Average 700 words make a post more readable to users, if it where longer and deserves more, divide it in a series of posts on one subject in particular.

Images are read too: choose your images as if they were words, try to make them contribute with the post’s vision and tone (for search engine purposes put descriptive titles when you insert them).

-If you have a long list of elements, arrange with bullet points, instead of putting them like this : x,y,z,r,h,m,n,w,er,t,y. Numbering them, is not as good because it forces the user to follow YOUR hierarchy (unless there is a reason to have a certain order as for example in manuals or tutorials).

Get the analytics on it

Measure your visits trends with Google analytics, the tool provides data that can help you improve your blog.

Relevant data:

-Bounce rate: take special attention on the content and pages with higher than 80% bounce rate.

Probably need a better format.

-New v/s returning: the relation on new or old visits helps you to visualize.

-Visit cicles: watch specially what are your hot days (use them to post information to link to other contents or invite them to come other days), improve content uploading on low days.

SEO thinking for Blogs

You can have great posts but there is a chance that search engine do not think the same.Write, thinking on Search engine indexing. How? Here are some tips:

Repite the title within the first lines of the post.

-Determine the keywords and tags that define best your post and repite them.

-Put some thinking and planning for the metatags of your blog’s code. Make them accurate and specific to your average content line.

Link your content within your blog’s posts.

Do the social thing

Blogs are all about having a real voice speaking and relating to your reader: present yourself or your avatar, make possible to other to present themselves on your site through twitter comments, Friend connection and referral links.Add the social bar in all your site to make it easier.

Useful sites for bloggers:

Let’s tweet: @Hannaisback@newronioespm

Hanna Back